Recently, I was shown a Chrome extension that hides listings on Amazon that don't ship to your location, and it was closed source. On closer inspection it turned out why: The author has implemented tracking with Google Analytics tracking your every click in the extension, adds affiliate links to Flycrates, and advertisements to some online game.
This UserScript implements the same functionality, is Free Software, only a fraction of the size and – as a bonus – works on Firefox and Firefox Android as well.
In action: The second listing can't be shipped to Austria, so it is greyed out and a message indicating what's going on was added.
It doesn't work!Make sure Amazon picks up your location by logging in or visiting the correct site (e.g. instead of .de)How to disable the scriptOn the Desktop: click on the Violentmonkey-Icon next to the address bar and set "Amazon Shipping Helper" to "off".
On Firefox-Android: Menu (⋮), Add-ons, USI, Configure, Menu (≡), All Userscripts, "Amazon Shipping Helper", enabled
Version 0.3Now also works on*Version 0.2Nicer status messages, only run on search pageVersion 0.1First version