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iSticktoit.net Archive
- Porn...in ASCII Art
- 2015-04-07: Exploration of the PornHub API and ASCII video renderers
- Emoji keyboard - Linux version
- 2015-09-26: Tom Scott's bodgework for X.org
- Building a Router out of a Raspberry Pi
- 2015-12-06: A man, a plan, a Pi, an LCD, an LTE modem, and a WiFi adapter.
- USB Gadgets on the Raspberry Pi Zero (and A)
- 2016-02-22: Use your Pi Zero as a keyboard, ethernet device, serial adapter, midi keyboard, ...
- Vessel.com: A sustainable alternative to YouTube?
- 2016-05-02: Armchair reasoning about a (surprise: now defunct) paid-for youtube alternative
- Base65536: Unicode's answer to Base64
- 2016-07-03: Most efficient printable-only encoding to day (if your storage encodes as UTF-32)
- I tried Ubuntu Touch for a Month
- 2016-08-05: Using uTouch as a daily driver. Note that this was before the transfer to ubports.
- Load balancing Internet connections for faster torrenting
- 2016-10-02: Tool for bundling multiple internet connections
- Back to the Future: Using a DEC VT220 from 1983
- 2016-10-26: What I use my physical incarnation of the
- Making a bridge between DVB Teletext and the Internet
- 2017-03-25: Fetch (nearly) tweet sized news bites from terrestrial TV, and display them neatly.
- The Free Software Experience on Android (1/2)
- 2019-01-18: Part 1: What you're getting into
- Free Software on Android (2/2): Nice Apps
- 2019-01-19: Part 2: What you're getting out of it
Other ramblings
- Importing Flash-based livestreams to XBMC (now Kodi)
- 2014-03-12: Adding RTMP streams into Kodi is (used to be?) just way to compicated
- Wireless security in Tyrolean intercity bus (in German)
- 2014-11-04: Imagine some sarcastic air-quotes around "security" in the title above, please.
- Data Security with used HDDs from local shops (in German)
- 2015-08-20: Why you shouldn't sell your hard disks. Ever.
- Comparison of different types of TrackPoint nubs
- 2016-02-08: Who knew you had choices back then! See also: xkcd#243.
- Epaper downloader for Austrian newspaper Der Standard
- 2016-04-13: Improving the desktop experience of reading my daily news